This evidence based method is specifically designed to help people...
- Lose Weight
- Build More Self Confidence
- Feel Great About Themselves
- Learn about Food Portion Control
- Learn Sustainable Eating Habits
* Results may vary from person to person.
Our method is effectively designed for portion control, Body Fat Loss, Fitness and Healthy Bodies!
Follow these 5 simple steps for Effective Weight Loss from our weight loss booklet
Step 1
Adjust your current eating plan
Step 2
Figure out your caloric intake
Step 3
Pick your meal plan
Step 4
Plan your meals
Step 5
Choose what level of exercise you are comfortable with
Hello, my name is Paul Nam
At the age of 19, I competed in my first bodybuilding show.
I can’t remember exactly when the iron bug hit me but all I could remember is wanting to be ripped and buff.
When a person trains for a bodybuilding show, they must follow this success equation to get results. The success equation is cardio+weight training+nutrition= results.
I followed this equation and won my first bodybuilding show and became the Junior Mackenzie Bodybuilding Champion. After this happened, my career started as a personal trainer in the fitness industry.
What I did not realize is that by increasing my exercise output (resistance training+cardio) and decreasing my caloric intake (reduced carbohydrates and fats), I was going into a calorie deficit. When you go into a calorie deficit, weight loss occurs[1].
Now for the first time, I am going to share this amazing weight loss product with you. I explain step-by-step and show you a process in order to help with the battle against fat.
I don’t expect you to take my word for it. There are so many ” health and fitness ” experts who make these types of claims without providing any proof of evidence.
This is why I want you to know…

Fitness Competition (August 2017)

Everything On This Page Is Based On The Latest Scientific Research
Please pay close attention to every claim I make because I’ve placed corresponding numbers in brackets linking published scientific studies and articles which validate the fat loss strategies in my Easy Fitness program.
The reason I have done this is because most people do not believe what they read.
Research confirms this method which I have been using with my clients and myself over the past 20 years as a certified nutritionist and fitness coach.
Here Is How My Two Clients Reached Their Goals By Going Into A Calorie Deficit And Learning About Portion Control

"I have been training with Paul for over 3 months now and have lost over 20 pounds. I was looking for an advanced trainer who could help me with my condition. I have polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) which make weight loss very hard. The training and diet he recommends for me is easy to follow. Paul has taught me to go into a calorie deficit and to always portion my food."

"I trained with Paul for 12 weeks after my first pregnancy. I lost over 16 lbs. What he suggested for me nutritionally was not hard to follow. I enjoyed his workouts and found them really effective. He taught me how important it is to keep track my calories so I could achieve a calorie deficit. My strength and running speed has really improved."

We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for results. There is no guarantee that you will experience the same results and you accept the risk that the fitness and fat loss results differ by individual.
Through Reflection And My Knowledge Base, Here Is a Overall Solution
Many people struggle with portion control, weight loss, and food. It is not easy. Family events, eating out, and an over abundance of food make staying in shape an impossible task.
Meet my one client Susan. She always struggled with her weight, portion control, and exercise. She wanted to try a portion control system that would work together with her exercise program. Susan tried one system and felt full all the time. The end result was no weight loss. I decided to take a closer look at this particular product.
After a week of dissecting this product, I found out the system was using Total Daily Energy Expenditure(TDEE).
Using TDEE is a good place to start for some people, but it is much harder to achieve a calorie deficit.
I use Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) and TDEE when I first assess someone, but I found when using BMR or a number closer to BMR, weight loss occurs.
Why I Use BMR Instead of TDEE
Basal Metal Rate(BMR) is how many calories your bodies burn at rest.
In other words, it’s the calories you need to keep you alive.
People use BMR to figure out how many calories they burn per day regardless of what they are doing. By obtaining this number, you can factor in your workouts, or activity and figure out how many calories you need daily to reach your weight loss goals.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure(TDEE) is an estimation of how many calories you burn each day plus physical activity.
Think of TDEE as adding in everything you do in a normal day to your BMR calculation.
If your calorie consumption is equal to your TDEE, you will maintain your current weight. This is why Susan never lost any weight.
If your calorie consumption is lower than your TDEE(closer to your BMR), weight loss occurs. This is why Yvonne and Andrea reached their weight loss goals.

Calories In Equal Calories Out
Understanding energy intake and how energy is used is another way to help you understand why this system works.
When energy intake is in a negative balance, the body weight decreases.[2]
An example of a negative energy balance is when a person eats 1100 calories for the day and then exercises for 5 hours and burns 1300 calories. (1100-1300=-200)
When you use a BMR or a number closer to your BMR and exercise, you go into a negative energy balance faster.

Andrea Came To Me As The Last Resort...
Get results for as low as $16.99!
She approached me with her frustrations of not being able to lose weight for two years. She had worked with other trainers and dietitians and had no success. With this formula, I was able to figure out why she wasn’t able to keep this weight off!
Andrea’s metabolism is very slow, we had to fight to get those 20 lbs off. She has PCOS which wreaks havoc on her metabolism and hormones.
She reached her weight loss goals and had a new outlook on life. She did this by:
- learning how to properly portion her food
- eating closer to her BMR
- learning to be consistent and patient as weight loss does not happen overnight
How Do You Know If This System Is Right For You?
Anyone who is experiencing any of these challenges below is suitable candidate.
- Low Energy
- Depression
- Feeling Sluggish
- Low Self Confidence
- Excess Bodyfat
- Slow Metabolism
- Lack Of Motivation
- Feeling Bloated
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then this program is suitable for you. Anyone can have more energy, lose weight, and feel great about themselves.

Here Is Why Other Diets Work
All these popular diets work by creating a calorie deficit through eating less calories and exercising. They also teach the importance of meal timing and portion control. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss. You need a system of tracking calories in order to succeed and reach your goals.[1]
However, not all of them are sustainable.
Remember The Success Equation
This is the largest part of the equation. It accounts for roughly 60%. You need proper fuel for the body in order to lose weight or add muscle. By following the nutrition protocol in the Easy Fitness booklet, you are controlling your insulin levels so fat loss will occur. The extra protein you will consume will help to preserve your muscle mass and aid in weight loss.[5]
This is roughly 20% of the equation. When you build muscle mass, you burn more calories at rest.[3] A person who carries more muscle mass will burn more calories sitting verses someone who has less muscle mass. The Easy Fitness booklet gives you examples of resistance training routines that can be done at the gym or at home for
level 1(beginners) and level 2(intermediate).
This is roughly 20% of the equation. These type of workouts are good for your heart and brain. They also help to burn more calories efficiently. The Easy Fitness booklet gives you cardiovascular workout recommendations for Level 1 and Level 2.
This Weight Loss System Can Work For Any Man Or Women In Their 40's, 50's, & 60's
...But It's Not For Everyone
It’s not for people who expect fast results.
It’s not for people who want to eat 4-5 large meals a day.
It’s not for people who do not want to put in any effort.
This is for people who want a step-by-step program that teaches them how to eat a balanced, healthy approach to fat loss.
There are no counting calories. Just match your caloric intake to the meal plan that is suitable for you. No giving up your favorite foods.
How This Weight Loss System Works

Now Is The Time To Start
Do you want to lose 10 or even 20 lbs? Weight loss and learning how to portion your food is something that does not happen overnight. It takes a step-by-step program that works to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
I am not going to lie. It will take some discipline and willpower at first. When a plan is put into place, results happen.
You deserve the best in life which includes good health and a lean, fit body.
As we age, time accelerates and next year will go by even faster.
This is why we have put so much time and effort into creating a system that works. We want to teach you about food portion and how important it is to exercise.
We’ve been able to create a program that will help you shed fat and get the results you are looking for.
Easy Fitness: Simple Weight Loss Program
The Solution Specifically Designed To Help People For Only $16.99

- Lose Fat & Restore Energy
- Maintain A Healthy, Lean Bodyweight
- Build More Self Esteem
- Learn About Food Portion Control
- Learn About Sustainable Eating Habits
The Easy Fitness Manual
This guide is easy to follow and tells you exactly how to eat and portion your food for a leaner, healthier body.
Here is what’s inside:
- The Complete Guide On How To Use The Food Portion Control Containers
- Your Recommended Caloric Intake
- Example Meal Plans For Each Caloric Level
- Meal Planning For Success
- Recommended Food Choices
- Mouth Watering Recipes
- Motivational Tips To Stay On Track
- Fat Loss Tips
- You Tube Videos For Weight Training And Stretching
- Beginner And Intermediate Exercise Recommendations For Cardio, Weight Training, Stretching
- And much more…
I simplified the program so anyone can follow it. It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from!

Introducing The Easy Fitness Food Portion Control Containers
At each caloric level, use the colored containers to measure out your proteins, fruits, veggies, fats, and grains.
Use the green and yellow container to measure out your proteins, fruits, veggies, and grains. Use the blue and orange container to measure out your fats.
They can be used as food storage containers too.
Here is what you get:
1 Green Container
1 Yellow Container
1 Blue
1 Orange Container
Amazon Verified Reviews
Great, sustainable tips for weight loss!
This product is excellent! It gives you step to step guidelines to follow and very specific caloric intake. Great recipes too.
Sung-Mie N
Book Is Full Of Great Information
Good product and the containers are very strong. Everything came in the mail, 4 containers and a book.
Sarah G
Amazing buy! Easy to follow
Finally a book that explains step by step exactly how you should eat and with the portion control containers it’s so easy to measure the food intake. I’ve been working out for years and it’s always hard to figure out exactly how much to eat. The book is so easy to follow, I recommend you buying this. You will not be disappointed
Steve V
The Easy Fitness: Simple Weight Loss Program 30 Day Result Guarantee
After helping hundreds of clients with their fat loss journey and seeing amazing results, I’ve decided to make it 100% risk free to test the Easy Fitness System. If you don’t feel or start to see a difference in 30 days, just return it.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Easy Fitness: Weight Loss Program
Paul’s client used another portion control container system and did not lose any weight. He looked it over and realized she was eating an excessive amount of calories.
The reason Paul’s system works is because he uses a number that is closer to your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR). Most systems use Total Daily Energy Expenditure(TDEE) which makes it harder to go into a calorie deficit. When you go into a calorie deficit, fat loss occurs.
This system is only a fraction of what other weight loss programs cost. The booklet is full of motivational tips, exercise recommendation, and food choices that will help you to achieve a lean, fit body.
Yes! There are exercise guidelines for cardio, resistance training, and stretching. Follow Level 1 if you are a beginner and follow Level 2 if you are at an intermediate level.
The YouTube videos are easy to follow. Always consult your doctor or physician before starting any type of exercise or program.
Eating less calories, exercising, and being consistent are the key to achieving your weight loss goals.
Some diets do not work because there is no transition phase. I provide you with a 2-4 week transition phase before starting the program. This is important as your body does not like sudden changes. This is to ensure your success.
We also give you cheat days and junk snacks. There is where you can still enjoy all your favorite foods in moderation. You can also adjust the diet to suit your personal needs or follow it as it is. This system is a good base to follow, but success comes when you learn how to integrate it into your lifestyle.
You can follow the system for 14-21 days to help reset your eating after a vacation or holiday. It can be also used for 8-10 weeks in order to get you ready for that special event(wedding, vacation).
If you follow your caloric intake and feel like it is not enough, eat more protein and vegetables at lunch and supper.
You can always go a level up for 1-2 weeks then come back down to your recommended level.
For men, Paul suggests multiplying their BMR times 1.2. Men generally eat more than females.
For the first week or so, you may feel hungry. This is normal as your body and stomach needs to adjust to the new caloric intake.
Paul is a certified nutritionist and sport consultant. He has trained over 1000 people in his 21 years as a fitness coach. Paul has also trained with top level bodybuilders and Mixed Martial Arts(MMA) coaches.
Paul has brought his own body fat levels down to 6-7% in over 20 bodybuilding/fitness shows. He won his first bodybuilding show at the age of 19. By working with males and females, he has learned what works through trail and error.
Just return it. You must pay for the shipping and handling.
The containers and booklet must not be damaged. Once we have received it and there are no issues, we will send you an email money transfer.
Once we receive the payment, the order will be processed within 12-24 hours. It will take 5-7 business days for you to receive it.
If you are ordering from the United States or overseas, it may be delayed at customs. A tracking number will be provided.
There is a flat rate of $14.00 that will be added to your checkout.
References Studies
1. Catherine M. Champange. Dietary intakes associated with successful weight loss and maintenance during the Weight Loss Maintenance Trial. PubmedArticle, 2011 Dec
3. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Diet plus exercise is more effective for weight loss than either method alone. ScienceDaily, 15 April 2011
4. Department of Nutritional Sciences. What is the role of portion control in weight management? Pubmed Article, 2014 Jul 25
5. Protein Intake – How Much Protein Should You Eat Per Day?